Steam Generator / Boiler Sizing Guide

Steam Generator / Boiler Sizing Guide

Calculate the cubic footage of the steam room enclosure (Do not deduct for benches or other protrusions as they represent surface area to heat).

Length of Room (Feet): Width of Room (Feet): Height of Room (Feet):

Total Cubic Footage:

Certain materials that make the lining of a steam room take longer to heat up. Use the adjusted cubic footage total when selecting a steam generator / boiler to ensure enough steam power to get the steam room operational in a reasonable time.

Use the following adjustments for the appropriate materials when selecting a Steam Generator

Room Material Adjustment Adjusted Total Cubic Feet
Acrylic, Cultured Tile, Ceramic, Glass and other on-stone materials No adjustment.
Natural Stones (Marble, Granite, Travertine, Slate, Porcelain Tile) Total Cubic Feet x 1.75

Use the following adjustments for the appropriate materials when selecting a Steam Boiler

Room Material Adjustment Adjusted Total Cubic Feet
Acrylic or Cultured Marble No adjustment.
Ceramic Tile Total Cubic Feet x 1.2
Glass / Glass Block Walls Total Cubic Feet x 1.15
Exterior Wall Exposed to Freezing Total Cubic Feet x 1.15
Natural Stones (Marble, Granite, Travertine, Slate, Porcelain Tile) Total Cubic Feet x 2